Tagmailing lists

Interacting in professional fora

There are a bunch of online communities – mailing lists, Slack channels, etc. – where “people who do email” interact. Some of them are open to anyone to subscribe, some of them are semi-private and require an invitation, others are closed and only available by invitation and yet others are associated with trade associations and only open to their members. Many of them...

Fixing discussion lists to work with new Yahoo policy

Al has some really good advice on how to fix discussion lists to work with the new Yahoo policy. One thing I would add is the suggestion to actually check dmarc records before assuming policy. This will not only mean you’re not having to rewrite things that don’t need to be rewritten, but it will also mean you won’t be caught flat footed if (when?) other free mail providers...

Where do subscribers come from?

Do you know all the ways subscribers can get on your lists? Are you sure? I recently used the contact form belonging to a marketing company to inform them that someone had stolen my email address from their database and I was receiving spam to the address only they had. They had an opt-out link on the form, allowing me to opt-out of personal contact and a demo of their product. But that opt-out...

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