
4 things spammers do legitimate marketers don't

I’ve never met a spammer that claims to be a spammer. Most that I’ve met claim to be legitimate marketers (or high volume email deployers). But there are things spammers do that I never expect to see a legitimate marketer doing. I’ve written about these things throughout the blog (tag: TWSD), but it’s probably time to actually pull them together into a single post. Use...

Spammers make me laugh…

When they can’t work their spam ware.

{rtf1ansiansicpg1252deff0deflang1033{fonttbl{f0fnilfcharset0 Calibri;}}
{*generator Msftedit;}viewkind4uc1pardsa200sl276slmult1lang9f0fs22 Dear Sir,par
My clients wants to invest huge cash .Please do reply if interested no dime needed from you.par
john Gagapar

Can someone explain to me…

What this disclaimer means? You are receiving this email because you have a customer relationship or have opted-in to an email list managed by the Emailing Entity listed below. This email was not sent to you by the company or website identified in the offer above, for which we have a separate business relationship. We have represented to such company or website that we have the affirmative right...

What happens when you apply for a PayDay loan

From NPR. I’ve had clients over the years who were email marketing agencies selling leads to lenders. Their delivery is horrible, even when they’re doing all the “right things” for email. I’ve come to the conclusion that PayDay lenders are a lot like lawyers: “95% of them give the rest a bad name.” PayDay loans are the one area where content trumps...

The Internet is for Spam

Eggs, ham, sausage and spam. Some say the Internet is for porn; but you know that in truth the Internet is for spam. As communication technologies got cheaper, the cost of grabbing a megaphone and jamming it up against the aching ear-drums of an advertising-jaded public collapsed: Meanwhile, the content-is-king mantra of the monetization mavens gridlocked the new media in an advertising-supported...

Spam illustrated

Portraits of Spammers
It’s been a long week, so enjoy some art (and spam). Next week we’ll get back to discussing the many faults of Gmail. And senders. And receivers. And, well, everyone has faults. And email is Dead. Tabs killed it.

A new twist on confirmation

I got multiple copies of a request to “confirm my email address” recently. What’s interesting is the text surrounding the confirmation request. Hello, I have a list of potential customers in your area. The list includes several ways for you to contact them. I would like to send you a sample of this list to the address I have on file: spamtrap@example.com. Can you call me today...

Spammers already abusing Vine

Spammers have already figured out how to abuse the new twitter video service (VINE) to make money. I wish I could say I was surprised, but spammers (and scammers) are some of the earliest adopters of technology out there. They adopt it and try to extract as much money as possible before the property owners can catch up and implement anti-abuse technology. Too few companies actually build products...

TWSD: avoid filters

I was cleaning out one of my spamtraps. This is the one that gets a ton of “legitimate” spam. In the last 12 hours it’s gotten spam advertising: T.G.I.Fridays, KFC, Applebees, LendingTree, Lasix Vision Institute, Khols, Burger King, Match.com, and Vistaprint. The footer of some of the mails are making me laugh, though. It’s clear they’re trying to comply with CAN...

Seedy underworld

ESPs have to deal with spammers, phishers and scammers getting onto their networks. Mailgun talks about some of the things they’ve found our about these problem customers.

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