wiseWords: Email Demystified


Over the years, we’ve developed, maintained, and shared extensive resources for managing some of the trickiest parts of your email program.
ISP & Industry Relations:   Learn how – and when – to contact ISPs to troubleshoot delivery problems. See up-to-date information on blocklists, sending limits and certification services.
Reputation & Authentication: Email delivery to the inbox increasingly relies on the combined powers of reputation and authentication.  These algorithms and frameworks can be managed to your advantage, but only if you know how they work.
Internet Protocols & Standards: Sometimes dealing with email feels like a mixed up set of refrigerator magnets. Let us help you sort out SMTP, DKIM, SPF, DMARC, DNS, MIME and all the other standards and protocols that comprise a strong email program.

Additionally, we are pleased to offer our wiseWords white papers on a variety of topics we’re asked about regularly.

  • Email Best Practices: How can businesses create compelling and sustainable email programs?
  • Spam Filtering: Who does it? How do they do it? How can senders avoid it?
  • Content Filters: How do these work? How do companies make sure email isn’t blocked?
  • Contact Management: How can companies manage subscriber lists to maximize delivery and customer satisfaction?
  • Migration Best Practices: What do companies need to know when they change Email Service Providers?

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