ISPs like boxes of meat


On the heels of JDs post about building relationships with ISPs, many of our Abacus customers and our ISP contacts have been commenting that boxes of meat are always welcome.
Please, remember to send them boxes of meat.
Meat may not get your email delivered, but it will make the ISPs remember you fondly.

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  • 1. Introduce yourself
    2. Identify the boundaries of that ISP’s probity rules
    3. Send as much ‘gift’ as legally possible

  • Sure, many people like meat…but do those gifts actually improve your relationship with the ISPs? And, does that relationship improve your deliverability?
    If it does, I’d posit that either the ISP staffer in question is acting extremely unethically, or you’re grossly misinterpreting why your deliverability improved.
    You should send gifts and thanks because anti-spam staff work so hard to preserve email as a viable communications mechanism, even though they’re being attacked and maligned from all sides — not because you think you’ll get special treatment.

By laura

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