Overusing ISP contacts


I’ve written frequently about personal contacts at ISPs and how the vast majority of delivery problems can be solved without picking up the “Bat Phone” and having someone at the ISP do something. Al touches on the same subject today, blogging about his recent experiences having to contact “Barry” multiple times for many different issues.
Al resolves

My goal going forward is this: I will not reach out to an individual person at an ISP more than once every two months or so, if I can at all help it. If I’m contacting them more than that, then something is broken, and that broken something is probably on my side of things. All of the big ISPs have published processes that work fine for almost any eventuality. That’s why those processes exist, to help people sending mail work through any issues observed.

As I said in my The Secret To Dealing with ISPs post, the vast majority of issues can be handled on the sender side without involvement of anyone at the ISP.
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