This weekend we took the car in for service. Instead of dropping it off at the dealership, we found a small, local garage. Prominently positioned on the counter was their Email Privacy Policy.
When you visit the website you are providing information about your visit to Kihon Media. We know which pages you visited, what is downloaded and which domains you come from.
Our policies to protect your personal information are:
- To use physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your personal information
- We do not share any of your personal information with third parties.
- To require our employees to keep personal information confidential.
- To authorize only those employees who need personal information to perform their dutues to access such information.
That’s a more readable and understandable privacy policy than most I see on websites. If a little garage can provide such an understandable and readable privacy policy, how is it that so many email and internet experts fail to do the same?
Easy question to answer: because your small garage wants to be clear. Those that post complicated, long, tiny-print privacy policies want to hide something, often times how they are using and abusing personal information.