ArchiveFebruary 2010

20% of email doesn't make it to the inbox

Return Path released their global delivery report for the second half of 2009. To put together the report, they look at mail delivery to the Mailbox Monitor accounts at 131 different ISPs for 600,000+ sends. In the US, 20% of the email sent by Mailbox Monitor customers to Return Path seed accounts doesn’t make it to the inbox. In fact, 16% of the email just disappears. I’ve blogged in...

iContact lists compromised

iContact has acknowledged that (some) of their customer lists were compromised and that they are investigating. As iContact has chosen not to allow comments on that post, feel free to share comments here.
HT: @aliverson

Delivery reference site

Over the years I’ve picked up a lot of useful and relevant information about email delivery. I’ve shared a lot of information here on the blog, and while that’s great, a blog is not a great format for a reference. The ISP information page was an initial pass at creating a reference. I realized that just linking to the ISP provided information didn’t communicate very much...

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