ArchiveApril 2012

Ask Ben Lerer anything

Ben Lerer, the co-founder of Thrillist, will be doing an “Ask Me Anything” on Reddit on Tuesday at 10 am. What is an Ask me Anything? It’s a free wheeling discussion where someone agrees to answer any questions from anyone who posts on Reddit. Who is Ben Lerer? Ben is the co-founder of Thrillist, a quite successful email business. I worked with Thrillist early on in their...

Spamtraps mean your list is bad

Spamtraps on a list are a symptom, not the disease itself. They’re (usually) a sign of some serious underlying problem, whether it be with address capture, bounce management, list purchase or epending. We’ve talked about this a lot in the past, but sometimes you need a short summary to refer someone to. Spamtrap Mythology A brief guide to spamtraps Spamtraps: should you care? Badly...

77% prefer email for marketing

77% of those surveyed preferred email for permission-based promotional messages, soundly beating the next most popular, direct mail, at 9%. Email, still anything but dead.
This, and lots of other interesting things, in ExactTarget’s 2012 Channel Preference Survey.

The 500 mile email

This is a great story from Trey Harris about a real email delivery issue from the mid 1990s. Here’s a problem that sounded impossible…  I almost regret posting the story to a wide audience, because it makes a great tale over drinks at a conference. 🙂  The story is slightly altered in order to protect the guilty, elide over irrelevant and boring details, and generally make the whole...

The Physics of the Email Universe

We talk a lot about rules and best practices in email, but we’re mostly talking about “squishy” rules-of-thumb that are based on simplified models of how mail systems, spam filters, recipients, postmasters and blacklist operators behave. They’re the biology, ecology and sociology of the email ecosystem. There’s another set of rules we tend to only mention in passing...

Best Practices: your mileage may vary

YMMV. One of those abbreviations us old folks used ages ago before email had pictures and the closest we had to social networking was USENET and social gaming was in the form of MUDs. I rarely see it used any more. In a lot of ways that’s a sad thing. It was a very useful abbreviation. Using it at the end of a post full of advice was a sign that the author was providing information but knew...

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