A client sent me a shot of a page where they were attempting to change their preferences at a website. This is one of my long time clients, and someone who has been in email marketing for years. He tells me that he spent quite a long time staring at the screen trying to figure out what he was supposed to do to opt out.
On normal days, I attribute it to aggressive wordsmithing by marketers who are looking for the very best way to sell their product. One of the things I do for clients is actually review their opt-in and opt-out language, looking for confusion and looking at their websites with the eye of someone who hasn’t been in planning meetings and internal discussions. I do sign up and then unsubscribe from their lists, and give them feedback on the process. In most cases there isn’t a problem, but occasionally there is a weird turn of phrase or an unsub process that’s broken.
Unsubscribes should be simple, and the wording should be clear enough not to confuse a long time email marketer. What’s the wording like on your unsubscribe pages?
Check what now?
I cant see the problem here tbh.
Of course page could be better but I have seen much worse pages 🙂
Confusing stuff like this is why we switched from checkboxes to a pair of On/Off option buttons for each category. It’s a bit bulkier, but it makes it immediately obvious whether the selection puts you on the list or takes you off.