Earlier this week some ESPs started asking if other ESPs have seen an uptick in Spamcop listings. The overwhelming answer (9 of 11 ESP representatives) said yes. I’ve also had clients start to ask me about Spamcop listings. All in all, there seems to be some changes at Spamcop that means more senders are showing up on the Spamcop radar.
Luckily, Spamcop provides us some insight into their data processing. If you look at the current monthly volume graph, we can see some very interesting changes in data.
There are people who attribute the increase in listings to new spamtraps coming online. The data does seem to suggest that something brought more data to Spamcop, and a new trap feed is highly likely.
This is just another example of the continual adaptation of filters. Filters are going to try and catch as much spam mail as possible. And part of that is bringing on new spamtraps. Spamhaus does it, Spamcop does it, commercial spam filtering companies do it. M3AAWG has even published a best practices document on creating spamtraps (.pdf download).
If you’re seeing an increase in listings on the Spamcop blocklist, you’re not alone. If these really are spamtraps, then you should look at your bounce handling process and see why these addresses weren’t removed in the past.
Changes at Spamcop
I’d seen an uptick in listings for mailings going through our campaign auditor system.
[…] Changes at Spamcop | Spamcop, a group whose soul purpose is to stop spam, is seeing some changes. Word to the Wise investigates what this means for email marketing. […]