Where's AOL?


I hear almost nothing about AOL from clients and potential clients these days. I hear a lot from AOL users who are confused and don’t understand that I am not AOL support (I’m not. Really. I can’t help you.). But I hear almost nothing from clients.
There are three possibilities I can think of for this.

  1. AOL just isn’t a major player in the mail space any more. People don’t use AOL addresses to sign up for commercial mail and so they’re not a significant percentage of client lists.
  2. The AOL postmaster website and postmaster support is so good that senders don’t need interpreters to help them figure out what’s wrong and why their sends are poor.
  3. The AOL filters are either so good they never block wanted mail or they’re so bad they never block spam.

All those are just hypotheses. I don’t really know why I never heard from senders about AOL these days. I do know they’ve lost yet more people from their postmaster team. Previously, when the postmaster folks have left, I’ve gotten an uptick in emails asking for help with AOL. Now, it’s just a ghost town from my perspective.

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  • Really!!?! I for one, tend to beat my head against my desk with AOL sometimes for clients. They often return error codes that are not listed on their postmaster site and seem to cause clients more issues than others, especially during warm up.

  • Thanks again for your time Al (and letting us know about this blog!) … I will agree with the last two comments and a step further if you want to hear about AOL nightmares talk to someone trying to ramp up a new IP to be eligible for AOL whitelisting, I am currently on month 6 of only being able to send 1200 emails per day with a negative feedback threshold of … 2 … per send… which means I can only send to the best of the best which means my volume is low on top of the throttling restriction making the process a hair pulling endeavor

By laura

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