Today is International Women’s Day. In recognition of this day, there has been a call for a general woman’s strike. I thought long and hard about how I would participate in this event. Even yesterday I had no clear view of whether or not I would be working today.
As a self-employed woman, me not working today only hurts me and my clients. There’s no one to leave work for, I either do it before or after. It’s got to get done and it’s my responsibility to do it. But at the same time, I recognize the unpaid and underpaid work most women do and fully support the strike.
After much thought, I decided that my contribution to the strike would be to do what I needed to do for work. But that I would remove myself from public conversations about email today. I spend quite a bit of my time doing unpaid work that supports the email industry: standards work, answering questions in various fora, supporting different initiatives, writing documents, blogging about industry events. I won’t be doing any of that work today.
Yes, there are questions I could answer, advice I could give, industry events that I have comments and insight on. But today, today I’m not going to do any of that.
International Women's Day