A quick post to say that posting will be light the next few weeks. I’m off later this week to visit Dublin. After I get back from that I’m headed to Chicago to speak at ACTIVATE hosted by Active Campaign. If you register by tomorrow you can use the code ACTIVATE and get in for $200. It’s looking like a good conference.
I’ll be speaking about deliverability, specifically how email filtering is all sorts of changing. My focus is on how the common “deliverability” techniques aren’t as effective in the new filtering environment. I’ll also be talking about further changes I see coming and how to address them.
After Chicago I’m onsite at a client’s for 2 days in Florida.
Basically, my June is booked. Both Steve and I will be blogging as we get inspired or have something to say. Overall, though, I’m giving myself time off from blogging through the end of the month.
June is travel month!