Mailcon Webinar: June 25th, 10am pacific
I will be joining my Women of Email co-founders at a webinar hosted by Mailcon on Thursday June 25.

Never have brands felt such pressure to “adapt or die” than in 2020. A global pandemic threatens lives, a human rights movement has reached a fever pitch, and impending economic devastation looms on our horizon. Brands have departed from business-as-usual routines, with some unveiling radical transformations in record time in response to dramatic shifts in consumer needs and behavior.
How are marketers doing during this period of uncertainty? Will we settle into a predictable new norm? What will subscriber expectations look like in the long term and how can brands adapt to them?
In this session, the founders of Women of Email share their observations, predictions, and advice for brand survival and success for the remainder of 2020 and beyond. We’ll explore:
- Why deliverability is more far more complex—and difficult—than ever before
- How to identify and leverage critical consumer signals in your campaign data.
- The heightened challenges associated with loyalty and retention.
- What changes to make now, what to prepare for in the future, and how to get buy-in from leadership
Deliverability Discussion
Our next #letstalk deliverability session will be Wednesday July 1 at 17:00 GMT and 09:00 pacific. We’ll be continuing the Engagement discussion as we didn’t get to all of the questions folks asked. And my best intentions of following up with them got derailed for a host of reasons. Easy enough to continue the discussion where we left off and answer the remaining questions.
As always, email laura-ddiscuss@ the obvious domain and we’ll send out an invite. Invites happen the Monday before the call, so be on the lookout.