What is a Cookie?
I’m not talking about biscuits, nor about web cookies, at least not exactly.
When you’re talking to a protocol developer a cookie is a thing you’re given, that you hang on to for a while, then give back. If you leave your suitcase with your hotel concierge they’ll give you a paper ticket with a number on it. That ticket and the number on it aren’t of any intrinsic value, nor do they really mean anything. The only thing you can do with it is give it back to the concierge to get your suitcase back. The ticket is a cookie.
Conceptually a cookie isn’t something that’s meaningful except when you give it back to whoever gave it to you – so if you’re a client program and a server sends you a cookie you just hang on to it and later send it back to the server. The name came from fortune cookies – the server bakes a piece of information into the cookie, you accept the cookie and later send it back to the server. The server cracks the cookie open and has access to that bit of information again.
We’ll often talk about opaque cookies – those are cookies where not only is the only person who’s intended to have access to the information embedded in it is the person who created it originally, they’re the only person who can crack it open and get that information. The client that receives an opaque cookie from a server can’t see what it contains, and nor can anyone else who gets a copy of the cookie. (If someone is talking about web cookies they’re not opaque unless they’re explicitly described that way, if they’re talking about any other protocol they probably are opaque. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ).
One thing that opaque cookies are very useful for is passing information to and from third parties where you need the third parties to do things with the information, but not be able to read it. For example, when someone clicks on a link in an email you send you’d like to know the address that email was sent to. You could include their email address in the link – https://click.example.com/whatever.html?e=rishi@no10.gov.uk
– but you really, really don’t want that personally identifiable information (PII) to be visible in to your third party vendors, your log files, anyone who sees referer1yes, it’s spelled that way, don’t ask me why headers from your web content and so on.
So you use https://click.example.com/whatever.html?e=12345
instead. That can go through any third party tracking you need, and when you need to generate reports on who clicked where you can map “12345” back to “rishi@no10.gov.uk”. And only you can – nobody else can decode that directly.
There are two common ways of creating this sort of opaque cookie. One is just to use the database primary key for the row in your database for that recipient. When you want to crack the cookie open you can look up who the recipient is with a database query. The other is to use encryption where you store the recipient data directly in the cookie, but you store it encrypted with a key that only you possess.
Increasingly companies are treating PII such as email addresses like they would toxic waste – they’ll handle it when they have to, but they really want to avoid doing so and they want to get rid of it as quickly as they can. As part of that they may look for things that look like PII – such as email addresses – in records they’re sent and scramble them as soon as they receive them, and provide the rest of their service based on that scrambled data. If you’re seeing garbled email addresses in reporting from your third party vendors that might be why.
You can avoid a lot of annoyance, and potentially some legally unfortunate accidents, by never putting a recipient email address in an unsubscription or click-tracking link. Always use an opaque cookie.
This is really informative about types of cookies—no, this is not a SPAM comment, no matter how many start with such a compliment! Here is my problem: you write,
“You can avoid a lot of annoyance, and potentially some legally unfortunate accidents, by never putting a recipient email address in an unsubscription or click-tracking link. Always use an opaque cookie.”
but I have no clue as to how to actually generate an opaque cookie. There are hints, database row, etc., but as a part-time amateur, a link to someplace in which I can find actual instructions would be superhelpful.
(I realize that most folks here are probably pros for whom the hints are enough. )
An ESP will typically store their address list in a database table, which’ll have at least two columns – the recipients email address and a primary key, which’ll be a unique integer. You can just use that unique integer from the primary key column as your opaque cookie, as about the simplest possible way of doing it. There are some operational reasons you _shouldn’t_ do it exactly that way, but more than a few ESPs do.
I have a pair of blog posts about click-tracking redirectors that go into the more operational details of click-tracking, of which generating the opaque cookie is a big part at https://wordtothewise.com/2019/08/link-tracking-redirectors/ and https://wordtothewise.com/2019/08/link-tracking-redirectors-2/
Sample code to implement a cryptographic click tracker is at https://github.com/wttw/clicktrack