
Gmail FBL update

Last week Gmail started contacting ESPs that signed up for their new FBL with more information on how to set up mailings to receive FBL emails. One of the struggles some ESPs are having is the requirement for DKIM signing. Many of the bigger ESPs have clients that sign with their own domains. Gmail is telling these ESPs to insert a second DKIM signature to join the FBL. There are a couple reasons...

Busy week

This week has been incredibly busy with business stuff and I’ve not had a lot of time to sit and think about blogging. Blogging will be light for the next few days while I catch up.

Tech Talk Podcast

Last week I had the pleasure of sitting down and talking delivery and email with W. Jeffery Rice of Brickstreet software. He’s posted a review and the recordings at Brickstreet and the UR Business Network.

Spammers make me laugh…

When they can’t work their spam ware.

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{*generator Msftedit;}viewkind4uc1pardsa200sl276slmult1lang9f0fs22 Dear Sir,par
My clients wants to invest huge cash .Please do reply if interested no dime needed from you.par
john Gagapar

Is harvesting illegal under CAN SPAM

This issue comes up repeatedly, as many people have read the CAN SPAM act and believe that CAN SPAM specifically prohibits sending mail to harvested address. This is not how I read the law. The FTC publishes a CAN SPAM Compliance Guide for Businesses that only mentions harvesting in the context of criminal penalties for violations. They list the following 7 main requirements of CAN SPAM. Don’t...

Gmail image caching update

Late last year Gmail started caching images on their servers, breaking open tracking in some circumstances. This image caching was good for senders, in that images were back on by default. But it was also bad for senders because it broke dynamic content and didn’t allow for tracking of multiple opens by the same recipient. According to a new blog post by Moveable Ink this issue has now been...

Horses, not zebras

I was first introduced to the maxim “When you hear hoofbeats, think horses not zebras” when I worked in my first molecular biology lab 20-some-odd years ago. I’m no longer a gene jockey, but I still find myself applying this to troubleshooting delivery problems for clients. It’s not that I think all delivery problems are caused by “horses”, or that...

Best practices: A Gmail Perspective

At M3AAWG 30 in San Francisco, Gmail representatives presented a session about best practices and what they wanted to see from senders. I came out of the session with a few takeaways. Gmail spends a lot of time and energy on filtering mail and giving the user the absolute best inbox experience possible. Gmail does per-user filtering, probably more than any other ISP out there. Gmail filters are...

This month in email: February 2014

After a few months of hiatus, I’m resurrecting the this month in email feature. So what did we talk about in February? Industry News There was quite a bit of industry news. M3AAWG was in mid-February and there were actually a few sessions we were allowed to blog about. Gmail announced their new pilot FBL program. Ladar Levinson gave the keynote talking about the Lavabit shutdown and his new...

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