A decade or so ago I was offering whitelisting services to clients. It was pretty simple. I’d collect a bunch of information and do an audit on the customer’s sending. They’d get a report back identifying any issues that would limit their chances at acceptance. Then I’d go and fill in the forms on behalf of the client. Simple enough work, and it made clients feel better...
Another day another dead blacklist
FADE IN EMAILGEEKS.SLACK.COM #email-deliverability It is morning in the channel. The regular crowd is around discussing the usual. JK, smart, competent head of deliverability at an ESP asks: Anyone familiar with SECTOOR EXITNODES listings and have insight into what’s going on if listed? ME: Uh, that’s the Tor Exit Nodes list. They think your IP is used by Tor. That’s all sorts...
What does mitigation really mean?
It is a regular occurrence that senders ask filters and ISPs for mitigation. But there seems to be some confusion as to what mitigation really means. I regularly hear from senders who seem to think that once they’ve asked for mitigation that they don’t have to worry about filtering or blocking at that ISP for a while. They’re surprised when a few weeks or even days after they...
Botnet activity warning
A bit of advice from the folks at the CBL, posted with permission and some light editing. I’ve been seeing some folks report longer connection times at some places, and this might explain some of it. It’s certainly possible, even likely, that the large ISPs are getting a lot of this kind of traffic. A botnet, likely a variant of cutwail, has been for the past several years been...
SpamCannibal is dead
The SpamCannibal blacklist – one that didn’t affect your email too much but which would panic users who found it on one of the “check all the blacklists!” websites – has gone away. It was silently abandoned by the operator at some point in the past year and the domain registration has finally expired. It’s been picked up by domain squatters who, as usual, put a...
UCEProtect and GDPR fallout
First thing this morning I got an email from a client that they were listed on the UCEProtect Level 3 blacklist. Mid-morning I got a message from a different client telling me the same thing. Both clients shared their bounce messages with me: 550 Conexion rechazada por estar o167890x0.outbound-mail.sendgrid.net[]:56628 en la DNSBL dnsbl-3.uceprotect.net (ver Your ISP LATINET –...
Twitter has some opinions on #GDPR. — @rianjohnson (Yes, the director of The Last Jedi) Finds deserted island a message in a bottle washes onto the beach *opens bottle* We’ve updated our Privacy Policy — Marques Brownlee (@MKBHD) May 24, 2018 Happy #GDPR day! #gdprjokes pic.twitter.com/2SVisxIuRY — Luke Stevens (@lukestevens) May 24, 2018 just got a GDPR email from a company...
I subscribed to what?
Tomorrow is GDPR day. That’s the day when the new Global Data Protection Regulations take effect in the EU. I’m sure everyone reading this blog has seen dozens, if not hundreds, of blog posts, articles, webinars, and guidance docs about how to comply. I’m not going to rehash it because, other folks know this better than me. There are a some things I’m finding fascinating...
OATH and Microsoft updates
I’ve seen multiple people asking questions about what’s going to happen with the Yahoo and AOL FBLs after the transition to the new Oath infrastructure. The most current information we have says that the AOL FBL (IP based) is going away. This FBL is handled by the AOL infrastructure. As AOL users are moved to the new infrastructure any complaints based on their actions will come...
Why is my cold email going to the spam folder?
Because that’s what the spam folder is for unsolicited email. Sending cold email, particularly in bulk (and let’s be honest, if it weren’t sent in bulk, no one would know or care about it going to spam) is spamming. This is exactly the kind of mail that the bulk folder is designed to catch. Senders that don’t have permission have no path out of the bulk folder except...