
Vegas next week

All of you attending the Email Innovations Summit in Vegas, I’ll be around during the conference. Not attending or speaking this year, but I have some meetings with folks scheduled. I will also be around for the session arranged by the Women of Email presents “Rumpelstiltskin Marketers” There’s no arguing that necessity is the mother of invention. That’s why it’s wise to look to...

More on the botnet arrest in Spain

Yesterday I talked about Peter Yuryevich Levashov being arrested in Spain on a US warrant. That warrant and other accompanying docs are unsealed and available on the DOJ website. The arrest was also mentioned on the Rachel Maddow show last night (video). There are quite a few people, including Rachel Maddow, speculating that this is somehow related to the Russian interference in the recent US...

Botnet herder / spam kingpin arrested

Via Krebs on Security, a russian named Pyotr Levashov has been arrested in Spain. According to news reports (NY Times, Reuters) the arrest happened in response to a warrant issued by the US, but no details were given as to what he was being charged with. The DoJ says the case is currently under seal and will not comment on charges. There is widespread agreement that this person is involved in...

March 2017: The Month in Email

It’s that time again… here’s a look at our last month of blog posts. We find it useful to recap each month, both to track trends and issues in email delivery and to provide a handy summary for those who aren’t following along breathlessly every single day. Let us know if you find it useful too! As always, I wrote about email filters. It’s so important to recognize that filters aren’t arbitrary...

Doing email right

Over on the MarketingLand website, Len Shneyder talks about 3 companies (Uber, REI and eBay) that do email right. In there he shows how the companies use email to further their business goals while understanding and meeting the needs of their customers. Meeting the needs of recipients is the way to get your mail to the inbox. Send email that your users want, and they will tell the ISPs when they...

OTA joins the ISOC

The Online Trust Alliance (OTA) announced today they were joining forces with the Internet Society (ISOC). Starting in May, they will operate as an initiative under the ISOC umbrella. “The Internet Society and OTA share the belief that trust is the key issue in defining the future value of the Internet,” said Internet Society President and CEO, Kathryn Brown. “Now is the right time for these two...

News in the email space

Various things happening in the email space recently that are worth mentioning but don’t have enough to justify a whole blog post. Verizon announced a new umbrella company for the AOL and Yahoo media properties, including things like Engadget, Huffington Post. Based on the various press articles I’ve seen this doesn’t appear to affect the email handling for either set of domains...

Why is bounce handling so hard

It should be easy, right? Except it’s not. So why is it so hard? With one-on-one or one-to-few email it’s pretty simple. The rejections typically go back to a human who reads the text part of the rejection message and adapt and makes the decision about future messages. The software handles what to do with the undeliverable message based on the SMTP response code. In the case of a 5xy...

Fraudulent signups or spam?

This morning I got spam from a major data broker / ESP / credit reporting agency claiming I’d signed up on some college website. In the UK. To check my credit score. Uh. No. No I didn’t. Of course, it’s very possible someone did use my email address when signing up for something at a UK university.  They probably got a t-shirt or free pizza out of it. But that doesn’t...

AOL accidentally hard bounces valid mail

Last night (Mar 29, 2017) between about 8pm Eastern and 9:30pm Eastern AOL suffered a technical issue. Every email sent to them received a “Recipient address rejected” reply.  One example of the error message: Mar 29 20:45:12 p2-lvmail11 lsb1-99-208-250/smtp[22251]: A88DFC2DBE9: to=<>,[64. 12.91.195]:25, delay=0.18, delays=0.01/0/0.14/0...

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