

Over at Meh Glenn Fleishman has put together a fascinating two-parter on the history of using ALL CAPS for emphasis. And SHOUTING.

CAPITAL CRIMES, Part 2: Usenet has no CHILL


Google drops obsolete crypto

Google is disabling support for email sent using version 3 of SSL or using the RC4 cypher. They’re both very old – SSLv3 was obsoleted by TLS1.0 in 1999, and RC4 is nearly thirty years old and while it’s aged better than some cyphers there are multiple attacks against it and it’s been replaced with more recent cyphers almost everywhere. Google has more to say about it on...

Time for Email Innovations!

After a great experience in Atlanta last week, with the Salesforce and Mailchimp folks, I’m heading off again today. This time it’s Las Vegas for the Email Innovations conference hosted by the Only Influencers group. My talk is coming together nicely. It’s been a bit of a challenge to try and give enough detail to make sense while not overwhelming with technobabble. There were...

Comcast having a bad day

Comcast announced this morning that they’re having problems receiving mail and their customers are seeing significant delays. We are currently experience an issue which is causing a significant delay in receiving email. This is not a good thing and we are very aware of the problem and are working hard to restore it. Technical description for those who are interested:  A problem on a couple...

Your purchased list … is spam.

This morning I got spam from someone selling email addresses. The mail starts: Hi Laura, I am aware of your expertise in the field of marketing and how well you execute your campaigns. We specialize in customized email list services and provide global data. […] “You are receiving this email as you have shown interest in data related solutions. Occasionally you will receive brief messages...

Hotmail having a bad day

Hotmail seems to be having a bad day, responding to a lot of delivery attempts with “554 Transaction failed” responses.
It’s not you, it’s them. They’re aware of the issue.

Don't just follow the HOWTO

There are so many moving parts to ensure good email deliverability. Email marketers need to know marketing, they need to know email and they need to know design. The technical bits of email can be a challenge to learn, and many folks who write tutorials and How-Tos write them for a different audience than marketers. One of the things I’m trying to do is demystify the technical end of email...

Ask Laura: Confused about CAN SPAM

Dear Laura,  I read your blog post about CAN SPAM earlier this week, and there’s one thing that confuses me. You never mention that harvesting addresses is a violation. I’ve seen many other people, including lawyers, assert that harvesting addresses is a violation of CAN SPAM. Why did you leave that out? Signed, Hopeful maker of musubi Dear Hopeful, The idea that harvesting is, in and...

Phone call of the week

I received a message on our 800 number. “This is Mark from a-website.example. Your customers are complaining to me that they are not getting my mail. And you’re blocking mail from me. Explain this to me!”     I called him back and left a message: “I think you’re confused and I probably can’t help you.” A few minutes later, Mark returns my call. L: Hi, this is laura. M: Who are you...

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