Microsoft using Spamhaus Lists

An on the ball reader sent me a note today showing a bounce message indicating microsoft was rejecting mail due to a Spamhaus Blocklist Listing. 5.7.1 Client host [] blocked using Spamhaus. To request removal from this list see (S3130). [VE1EUR03FT043.eop-EUR03.prod.protection.outlook.com] The IP in question is listed on the CSS, which means at a minimum Microsoft is using the SBL. I...

Responsive design just got easier at Gmail

Today Gmail announced they are supporting media queries in Gmail and Google Inbox. This should simplify the creation of emails for multiple platforms. The full list of supported rules can be found on the Google Developer Site.

Foundation: A toolkit for designing responsive emails

Zurb announced today version 2 of “Foundation for Email”, a full stack for designing content for responsive email. It looks rather nice, with features a modern web developer might look for when working on email content. It has many of the things you’d expect a web design stack to have. It support SASS for styling, includes browser sync for previewing content as it’s...

Mailbox preview and HTML content

I just received a slightly confusing email.     The From address and the Subject line are from Sony, but the content looks like it’s from email analytics firm Litmus. What’s going on here? Opening the mail it looks like a fairly generic “Oops, we lost a class-action lawsuit, have $2 worth of worthless internet points!” email from Sony; no mention of Litmus at all...

Mail that looks good on desktop and mobile

Over the weekend I noticed a new CSS framework aimed at email rather than web development, “Antwort“. This isn’t the first or only framework for email content, but this one looks simple and robust, and it allows for content that doesn’t just adapt for different sized displays but looks good on all of them. The idea behind it is to divide your content into columns, magazine...

What causes Spamhaus CSS listings

Today’s Wednesday Question comes from Zaib F. What causes the Spamhaus CSS listing in your experience other than Sender using multiple sets of IPs, to look as if they are a valid sender. Do you think a Spamtrap plays a role? I’ll preface this by saying I don’t know what the specific Spamhaus criteria are for listing on the CSS. I do know the overall goal of the CSS list is to...

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