
Spam isn't going away

I got a piece of B2B spam last week that showed in several different ways why spam isn’t going away any time soon. Systemic problems dealing with abuse at scale at Google. Ethics problems at Cloudflare. Problems dealing with abuse at scale at Amazon. Cultural problems in India, several times over. Buckle up. The spam content The spam email itself looks pretty much like any business email...

Spammers, eh?

From my inbox, missed by the spamfilter: Do you know people who have worked a lot or could not find a job for a long time and suddenly began to earn well, gain valuable items and look better? We can reveal to you their secret. Anyone who bought a diploma from us raised their standard of living in half! Our diplomas are verified and credible. We offer expert help in selection of the right option...

Is social media a laughing matter?

I really love my job, but sometimes I miss academia, research and science. One of the ways I stay somewhat connected to that world is reading Scienceblogs (and the new Scientopia site). A few weeks ago my worlds collided when one of the librarians at Scienceblogs posted a Friday funny: 5 signs you’re talking to a social media douchebag. Nobody Knows What They Actually Do. When you try to...

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