Taggoogle postmaster tools

Google IP reputation bad

This morning hundreds of delivery folks logged into their Google Postmaster Tools account to see their IP reputation was bad.

Even one of my client’s that is using a major ESP shared pools is seeing bad IP reputation on December 10, 2019.

The good news is this doesn’t seem to be affecting delivery. Most folks are reporting no delivery issues at Gmail and no change in open rates.

Why is DMARC failing?

Multiple times over the last few weeks folks have posted a screenshot of Google Postmaster tools showing some percentage of mail failing DMARC. They then ask why DMARC is failing. Thanks to how DMARC was designed, they don’t need to ask anyone this, they have all the data they need to work this out themselves. The DMARC protocol contains a way to request reports when DMARC authentication...

Google Postmaster is Back

Late last night folks started mentioning they were seeing data trickled into Google Postmaster tools. This morning, some of the domains for some of my clients are showing data.

Things aren’t fully back to normal, some of my clients are still showing no data for the last week. But things are getting back to normal and it looks like we will have older data.

More Google issues

Not necessarily more but more information about the current Google Postmaster Tools (GPT) outage. I’ve been reliably informed by folks inside Google that they’re aware of the outage and are working on it. I’ve been reliably informed by other folks in the industry that they have been told that there is an announcement coming about Google Postmaster Tools. That’s not a great...

Can I get access to Google Postmaster tools if I’m using an ESP?

The answer is almost certainly yes, but there are definitely cases where it the answer is no. If you’re using your own domains for the return path and/or the d= value then you can set up postmaster tools for those domains. If you’re using a domain managed by the ESP, or a subdomain where the ESP manages the DNS, you may need your ESP to publish the correct key in DNS to authenticate...

Gmail survey rough analysis

I closed the Google Postmaster Tools (GPT) survey earlier today. I received 160 responses, mostly from the link published here on the blog and in the M3AAWG Senders group. I’ll be putting a full analysis together over the next couple weeks, but thought I’d give everyone a quick preview / data dump based on the analysis and graphs SurveyMonkey makes available in their analysis. Of 160...

Google Postmaster Tools: Last Chance!

I’ll be closing down the Google Postmaster Tools survey Oct 31. If you’ve not had a chance to answer the questions yet, you have through tomorrow.
This data will be shared here. The ulterior motive is to convince Google to make an API available soon due to popular demand.

Tell us about how you use Gmail Postmaster Tools

One of the things I hear frequently is that folks really want access to Google Postmaster Tools through an API. I’ve also heard some suggestions that we should start a petition. I thought a better idea was to put together a survey showing how people are using GPT and how high the demand is for an API. They’re a data company, let’s give them data. I’ve put together a survey...

Google Postmaster bad IP reputation

There are widespread reports this morning (9/11/17) that Google postmaster tools is showing bad IP reputation for IPs starting on 9/9. This issue is affecting just about everyone. Looking through my client’s postmaster pages, I’m seeing red for IP reputation on every client. Even my clients with generally good reputation are seeing bad reputation since 9/9.  This looks like a...

Google Postmaster Tools

Earlier this month Google announced a new set of tools for senders at their Postmaster Tools site. To get into the site you need to login to Google, but they also have a handy support page that doesn’t require a login for folks who want to see what the page is about. We did register, but don’t send enough mail to get any data back from Google. However, the nice folks at SendGrid were...

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