Matthew Green reminded me of an old bit of spam lore. It’s a canned response to someone’s New and Awesome and entirely unoriginal Final Ultimate Solution to the Spam Problem. It originated on the newsgroup, I think, maybe twenty years ago? While one or two details have changed it’s still applicable to most of the current generation of under-researched...
What's going on with your SBL listing?
This popped up on my Facebook memories this morning. I don’t post about client events very often, but given I can’t remember even what client this is, I don’t think I’m revealing too much info. FB memory from a few years ago. I’m dealing with a client who has a pretty big SBL listing. They’re going through a lot of contortions to fix the problems the SBL is...
NY Times on unsubscribing by email
More than a decade ago I was included in one of these. It wasn’t work related per se, but the address list included a lot of experienced, BTDT, names-on-RFCs technology folks.
Yeah, even they got stuck in the mess of replying all, unsubscribing, lecturing people about not replying to all. It was a mess, but funny given the names involved. #neverdothis #noreplytoall
Phone call of the week
I received a message on our 800 number. “This is Mark from a-website.example. Your customers are complaining to me that they are not getting my mail. And you’re blocking mail from me. Explain this to me!” I called him back and left a message: “I think you’re confused and I probably can’t help you.” A few minutes later, Mark returns my call. L: Hi, this is laura. M: Who are you...
What a week!
Yesterday, after 5pm, I was so happy. I was telling folks to have a great weekend. To take time off and relax. Have fun! Don’t work! Enjoy the weather! Then someone pointed out it was only Thursday. But! I got up this morning and got lots of happy Facebook notifications from friends about how TODAY was Friday. I was ready to have an awesome and productive day and go into the weekend with a...
Dealing with blocklists, deliverability and abuse people
There are a lot of things all of us in the deliverability, abuse and blocklist space have heard, over and over and over again. They’re so common they’re running jokes in the industry. These phrases are used by spammers, but a lot of non-spammers seem to use them as well. The most famous is probably “I’m sure they’ll unblock me if I can just explain my business model...
October 2015: The month in email
When you spend most of your day working on email and spam issues, it starts to cross into all aspects of your life. In October, I was amused by authors who find names in spam, SMTP-related t-shirts on camping trips, and spam that makes you laugh. Maybe I need a vacation? We were quite busy with conference presentations and client work this month, but took time to note the things that captured our...
88 Miles per hour!
A lot of advertisers are really getting into this whole Back to the Future Day thing. A number of companies are compiling emails related to the phenomenon.
What other ads have folks seen referencing Marty and his trip back?
Tracking consumers
In an effort to more closely observe the group’s buying habits and personal behaviors, a growing number of corporations are turning to tag and release programs to study American consumers, sources confirmed Friday. The Onion
Using Google to taunt coworkers
Happy Friday, all. This has been a rough week for so many people, I thought we needed a little humor.
From Tim Norton (@norton_tim) on Twitter.