
“Friendly From” addresses

When we’re looking at the technical details of email addresses there are two quite different contexts we talk about. One is an “821 address” or “5321 address”. This is the email address as it’s used by the SMTP protocol, as part of the “MAIL FROM: <>” or “RCPT TO: <>” commands sent to the mailserver. It’s defined in RFC 821...

New top level domains

ICANN have signed agreements for four new top level domains, all internationalized domains from the 2o12 applications for new TLDs. They are شبكة (“network” or maybe “web” in arabic), 游戏 (“game” in chinese), онлайн and сайт (“online” and “website” in russian). It’ll take a while for the registries to ramp up their infrastructure...

Which is better UTF-8 or ISO-?

Someone asked today on a mailing list whether they should be using UTF-8 or “ISO” encoding for sending email. What’s the best choice depends on some of the details of the situation, but here’s the answer I gave: UTF-8 will work for pretty much anything, as it’s just an 8 bit encoding scheme for Unicode (which is supposed to be the one character encoding to rule them...

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