Ethan Ackerman has a summary of recent cases where judges are splitting over rulings on CAN SPAM pre-emption.
Update on Canadian Law
Neil Schwartzman has an update on the status of the Canadian anti-spam law currently working its way through the legislature.
Sending mail from unread email addresses
Some marketers, even large marketing companies, send mail from email addresses that are unread. Justin Premick posted a list of reasons this is a very, very bad idea. Be sure to read the comments, too.
Good email design
DJ at Bronto has another example of great email design.
What Mark Said
Mark Brownlow skewers the arguments from opt-out proponents. A definite must read.
Subscribers notice what marketers do
Stephanie Miller from RP blogs at EEC about a UK consumer survey with the take home message: “consumers notice what email marketers do. When we send something interesting and relevant at a good pace, they are happy to stay active with our programs. When we don’t… well, then we’ve lost them, perhaps for good.”
Three ways spammers get your address
Paul explains 3 ways spammers get your email address.
Open rates
Right now, there is no way to compare open rates as everyone calculates them differently. Mark Brownlow covers this today.
More on e360 v. Choicepoint
Venkat has a longer analysis of the e360 v. Choicepoint case I commented on last week. He’s predicting a quick finding in favor of Choicepoint. I’m not a legal expert by any means, but I can see both sides of this particular case. And I am not sure there is good case law to guide the judge. Definitely one to keep an eye on.
Email frequency vs. Response
Mark Brownlow has a great post today detailing how response to a marketing campaign changes with the frequency of a campaign and the value of the campaign.