Bonnie talks about insightful email marketing tips taken from an article in The Onion.
1/7 – closed comments on this post as it seems to be a magnet for comment spam.
Another opt-in in the wild
The EEC has an article today about a poorly done opt-in email that DJ Waldo received. How close is that to what you send?
Transactional emails
Tamara has an excellent collection of musts related to transactional email. I would add a few more, specific to traveling (hotel and plane reservations) that occurred to me recently as I was bombing through airports trying to read hotel and airline confirmations on my iPhone. If this is a hotel confirmation, link directly to your hotel website. My confirmation from Best Western listed the name of...
Buying Data
Over on Spam Resource Al posted about data sellers and the ESP that supports them. As part of the post, he lists the pricing for email address lists. Check out The Data Supplier. One billion email addresses – only $795. Comes with: 15 Million Companies Emails 3 Million Fresh Bulk Emails 8 Million Worldwide Emails 9.4 Million Misc Emails 250K Germany Emails 1 Million Yahoo Emails Think about that...
Appropriating reputation
One of the thing savvy spammers are doing these days is appropriating the reputation of someone else. Reputation appropriate takes many forms. Some spammers hijack windows machines, turn them into bots and send spam through major ISP smarthosts. “Legitimate email marketers” buy service from mainstream ESPs to send their permission-challenged email that they cannot get delivered...
Yet more data verification
Friday Al posted about data verification, building on discussions last week about Mr. Poopyhead’s article on open signup forms. He has a very insightful analogy, that I like and I am going to steal (emphasis from the original). Running a web form, especially one that requires that an Internet user provide information before handing over something, whether it be a login to a website, a free...
Data Integrity, part 2
Yesterday I blogged about eROIs contention that consumers should not be wasting the time of lead gen companies by filling in fake data. There were lots of good comments on the post, and I strongly encourage you to go read them if you are interested in different perspectives on the data issue. One of the arguments I was making is that people are only going to give accurate information if they...
Collecting information from subscribers
VerticalResponse Blog has a post up about collecting information from subscribers to mailing lists. Go check it out.
SpamZa: corrupting opt-in lists, one list at a time
A number of ESPs have been tracking problematic signups over the last few days. These signups appear to be coming from an abusive service called SpamZa. SpamZa allows anyone to sign up any address on their website, or they did before they were unceremoniously shut down by their webhost earlier this week, and then submits that address to hundreds of opt-in lists. This is a website designed to...
RoadRunner FBL changes
RoadRunner announced changes to their FBL this morning. Everyone who is currently getting a FBL should have received an email. Important dates to remember include the following. August 28: Existing RR FBL will be frozen. No changes to existing loops will be accepted and no new FBL applications will be processed. All current FBLs will continue to work. November 17 (tentative): The new FBL will go...