Spam filters aren’t perfect. They sometimes catch mail they shouldn’t, although it happens less than some people think. They sometimes fail to catch mail they should. One of the reason filters fail to catch mail they should is because some spammers invest a lot of time and energy in figuring out how to get past the filters. This is nothing new, 8 or 9 years ago I was in negotiations...
Thoughts on Hotmail filtering
One of the new bits of information to come out of the EEC15 deliverability discussions is how Hotmail is looking at engagement differently than other webmail providers. Many webmail providers really do look at overall engagement with a mail when making delivery decisions. And this really impacts new subscribers the most. If there is a mailing where a lot of subscribers are engaged, then new...
Tweets from engagement and deliverability webinar
Want to see some of the tweets shared during the EEC Deliverability and Engagement webinar on March 17? Check out what was said as it happened.
Mythbusting deliverability and engagement
Yesterday I published an article talking about an engagement webinar hosted by the EEC and DMA. I made a couple predictions about what would be said. ISPs do monitor engagement, even if they do it differently than senders thought. Engagement is important for inbox delivery at some ISPs. Different ISPs have different ways of making inbox decisions. Engagement will matter more in the future. And...
Delivery and engagement
Tomorrow is the webinar Mythbusters: Deliverability vs. Engagement. This webinar brings together the ISP speakers from EEC15, plus Matt from Comcast, to expand on their comments. There’s been some confusion about the impact of engagement on delivery and whether or not senders should care about recipient engagement. My opinion on the matter is well known: recipient engagement drives delivery...
Updated M3AAWG Best Practices for Senders
M3AAWG has published a new version of the Senders Best Common Practices document and the contains a lot of new information since the original publication in 2008. The new document covers how to vet ESP customers, considerations when selecting a dedicated or share IP to send mail, and includes best practices on a number of technical processes. The Senders Best Common Practices document is targeted...
Engagement, ISPs and the EEC
There’s been some controversy over some of the things said by the ISPs at the recent EEC meeting. Different people interpret what was said by the ISPs in different ways. The EEC has set up a webinar for March 17 to clarify and explain what was meant by the ISPs. Mythbusters: Deliverability vs. Engagement – Part Deux Join eec MAC Chair Ryan Phelan and Vice-Chair Dennis Dayman as well as the...
Ransomware email protected by DMARC
Virus bulletin has an interesting post about DMARC and how some criminals are protecting their emails with DMARC.