
Fingerpointing all around

Mickey has copies of affidavits filed by David Linhardt and his lawyers all denying they were responsible for missing the court’s deadline.


Chris Nixon has a post talking about the background of MAAWG and why he is here in Ft. Lauderdale.

Fixing mistakes

At BeRelevant Kath posts about common mistakes mailers make and how to recover from them.


Al points out that EmailAppenders are possibly trying to change their online reputation. To bad their “suggestion” does not work.

Strategic email marketing

Mark Brownlow has an interview with Simms Jenkins the author of The Truth about Email Marketing. Well worth a read for anyone who is sending email.

CAN SPAM rules take effect

The new CAN SPAM rules take effect today. EmailKarma has a list of articles detailing the new rules. These rules govern handling of opt-outs and establish a “sender” category for purposes of physical address and opt-outs.

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