Netsuite has entered an agreement to acquire Bronto. Congrats to the folks at Bronto.
Yahoo FBL Down
We’re seeing multiple reports that the Yahoo feedback loop stopped working some time in the past couple of days. If you’re not seeing reports, it’s not just you.
Tweets from engagement and deliverability webinar
Want to see some of the tweets shared during the EEC Deliverability and Engagement webinar on March 17? Check out what was said as it happened.
Ransomware email protected by DMARC
Virus bulletin has an interesting post about DMARC and how some criminals are protecting their emails with DMARC.
A must read on engagement
I really can’t add anything to what Chad wrote in Opens, Clicks, And Blocks In The Third Age Of Email Deliverability SMTP Issues engineers are investigating a SMTP connectivity issue. Status Page
Listcast acquired by MailerMailer
Listcast, an email list management service, has been acquired. MailerMailer will take over management and support of all Listcast customers effective immediately from Domainate, Inc.
Barracuda Email Security Service disruption
Starting around 10:15 2:45 EDT this morning, the Barracuda Email Security Service is having a issues processing email for customers.
More information on Twitter and reddit
Congestion at Verizon
Yahoo! finally found their broken cable (I had no idea Yahoo had fiber) and fixed it. Now, I’m seeing a lot of reports that Verizon is accepting mail very, very slowly. Some folks are reporting no more than 20 messages a minute. This could be due to congestion, and just an underpowered system, or it could be some purposeful throttling on Verizon’s end. In any case, this is affecting a...
Bounces at Verizon
There have been lots of reports of Verizon rejecting valid email addresses for a few hours this morning. They seem to have fixed things now but you probably want to make sure you didn’t suppress those addresses.