Tagdata verification

Growing your list carefully

Karl Murray wrote a great set of recommendations for growing an email marketing list. I really can’t think of anything I would have said differently. Touching customers and getting contact information from them is great, but there are situations where this gets bad addresses. Too many bad addresses can impact delivery. So how do you grow your list without falling into a delivery trap? The...

Sending mail to the wrong person, part eleventy

Another person has written another blog post talking about their experiences with an email address a lot of people add to mailing lists without actually owning the email address. In this case the address isn’t a person’s name, but is rather just what happens when you type across rows on they keyboard. These are similar suggestions to those I (and others) have made in the past. It all...

Verifying addresses after POS collection

Collecting email addresses at point of sale is a challenge. Some stores collect the addresses electronically, where the clerk or the customer types addresses directly into the register. Smaller stores, however, typically collect addresses on a sheet of paper at the cash register. Eventually someone takes the list and types it into whatever contact management system the store maintains. There are...

Email verification – what are we verifying

One of the ongoing discussions in the email space is the one about address verification. Multiple companies have sprung up to do “real time” email address verification. They ensure that addresses collected at the point of sale are valid. But what does valid mean? In most of these contexts, valid means that the addresses don’t bounce and aren’t spam traps. And that is one...

Can you verify email addresses in real time?

In a recent discussion about spamtraps and address lists and data collection a participant commented, “[E]very site should be utilizing a real-time email address hygiene and correction service on the front end.” He went on to explain that real time hygiene prevents undeliverable addresses and spamtraps and all sorts of list problems. I was skeptical to say the least. Yes, there are...

Opt-in Reconfirmation in the Wild

What’s an opt-in reconfirmation email? Also called, as fellow blogger Al Iverson mentioned lately, a re-engagement email, or a permission pass email. Al links to DJ Waldow’s write up on Shop.org’s recent re-engagement strategy, and today I see that Janine Popick, CEO of VerticalResponse, talking about Coach’s turn at culling their list through this process. What’s interesting here is that...

Garbage in… garbage out

Ken Magill (hereafter known as Mr. Stupid Poopypants) has a follow up article today on his article from last week about the Obama campaign’s mailing practices. While poking Dylan a bit, his message is that marketers really need to look harder at double opt-in. All these things can and do go wrong with double opt-in, but the risks of not using it have simply become too great. For one thing...

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