Predictions for 2008

I did not have a lot of predictions for what will happen with email at the beginning of the year so I did not do a traditional beginning of the year post. Over the last 3 – 4 weeks, though, I have noticed some things that I think show where the industry is going. Authentication. In January two announcements happened that lead me to believe most legitimate mail will be DK/DKIM signed by the...

DKIM "i=" vs "d=" and Reputation

This really should be part seven of a twelve part series or some such as it deals with an aspect of DKIM that’s really important, but is way down in the details of implementation. (dkim.org is a reasonable place to start for a general overview of DKIM). There’s an apparently endless thread on the DKIM-SSP spec development mailing list at the moment about the differences between two...

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