
Spamming ESPs: the followup

Campaign Monitor contacted me about yesterday’s post. The phrasing I picked out of the spammers AUP matched their AUP quite closely. In fact, if you plug the AUP into Google, Campaign Monitor comes up as one of the first hits. It was not Campaign Monitor I was talking about. In fact, the ESP I received the mail from is not on the first 8 pages of Google hits for the phrases I posted. A...

Spamming ESPs

In my mailbox there is a definite uptick in spam from ESPs advertising their services. Today’s email was from a company that has the following in their anti-spam policy: To send email to anyone using [ESP name], you must have clearly obtained their permission. We consider qualifying methods for obtaining permission are as follows: An email newsletter subscription form on your web site. An...

Court rules blogger is not a journalist

Last week a federal judge ruled a blogger, Crystal Cox, was not a journalist and not subject to first amendment protections. I haven’t been following the case very closely, but was a little concerned about the precedent and the liability for people like me who blog. Reading some of the articles on the case, though, I’m less worried. This isn’t a blogger making some statements...

IP reputation and the bulk folder

I’ve spent much of today talking to various people about IP reputation and bulk foldering. It’s an interesting topic, and one that has changed quite a bit in the past few months. Here are a few of the things I said on the topic. Generally IPs that the ISP has not seen traffic from before starts out with a slight negative reputation. If you think about all the new IPs that an ISP will...

Spam is not illegal

I was recently taken to task for claiming that unsolicited bulk email was spam. Spam is illegal and Spammers are criminal. Let’s not mess about with words here. Calling someone a spammer is inflamitory [sic]. I’m not arguing that sending unsolicited bulk email is anything other than bad. And that a lot of senders have a negative reaction to being called spammers. I’ve even had hate...

Audit trails are important.

One of the comments on my Spamtraps post claims that audit trails should be maintained by recipients, not senders. If people are using legitimate email addresses that legitimately opted in and verified details, they should be required to have a log of which lists they opted in to. You are just asking to hurt legit mailers. The underlying reasoning appears to be that no sender ever spams, and...

How do I know you're spamming?

There are a number of reasons I know that mail coming into my mailbox is spam. I get 15 copies. There are a lot of spammers out there who buy and scrape addresses and don’t do even the simplest of de-duping. Send multiple copies to a single address, you’re probably spamming. I get mail to a non-tagged address. I use tags for every signup, and have done since mid-1999 or so. If I get...

Not lazy, just annoyed

I don’t usually send in spam reports, but I submitted a couple in the last few weeks. Somehow an address of mine is on a bunch of rave / club lists in London. You want to know what is happening at London clubs this week? It’s all there in my spam folder. This mail finally hit my annoyance threshold, so I’ve been submitting reports and complaints to the senders the last few weeks...

Spot the CAN SPAM violations

I received this piece of unsolicited email today, to an address harvested off a website. How many CAN SPAM violations can you count? Return-Path: Received: by m.wordtothewise.com (Postfix, from userid 1003) id 166562E196; Wed,  5 Oct 2011 13:50:25 -0700 (PDT) Received: from [] (86.sub-75-248-121.myvzw.com []) by m.wordtothewise.com (Postfix) with SMTP id 850862E185 for...

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