
AOL Postmaster blog down

AOL has discontinued their blogging platform. This means the AOL postmaster blog is no longer active. I suspect the AOL postmaster team is exploring their options and trying to find a way to continue blogging. If I hear anything one way or another, I will post it here. Update: 11/3 AOL assures me they are migrating to a new platform and the blog will be back up. I also managed to grab a copy of... sued under CA anti-spam law

Ethan Ackerman posted a rather long analysis of the class action lawsuit filed against over at Eric Goldman’s Technology and Law Blog. Part of the case is related to’s scraping of address books, something I have discussed here before. The analysis goes through the case step by step and is well worth a read. There are a lot of issues being explored, including...

Email news

ReturnPath sold its email change of address division to Fresh Address and spun off its email marketing division. Full announcement at the RP Blog and a copy of the press release at EmailKarma. e360 petitioned the court earlier this week to compel Spamhaus to expand on their answers to e360’s interrogatories. Today the court denied the motion. Text of the motion at Mickey’s place...

Monitoring customers at ESPs

In the past I’ve talked about vetting clients, and what best effort encompasses when ESPS try to keep bad actors out of their systems. But what does an ESP do to monitor clients ongoing? Al Iverson from ExactTarget says that they: Look at what clients are doing constantly. If too much of a client’s list is filtered out at import, If too much of their mail bounces, If they receive too...

We want your mail to succeed

One thing I hear from a lot of delivery folks, both consultants and those who work at the ESPs, is that their customers and clients fight back whenever they say no. A client or a customer proposes this great idea that involves sending irrelevant email to uninterested people. Then, with bated breath, they ask their delivery consultant to agree it is a brilliant idea. Most of the time, their great...

Reputation: part 2

Yesterday, I posted about reputation as a combination of measurable statistics, like bounce rates and complaint rates and spamtrap hits. But some mailers who meet those reputation numbers are still seeing some delivery problems. When they ask places, like AOL, why their mail is being put into the bulk folder or blocked they are told that the issue is their reputation. This leads to confusion on...


Reputation is the buzzword in delivery these days. Everyone talks about building a good reputation and how to do it. Makes sense, the ISPs are always hammering on reputation and how critical reputation is. The more I talk with delivery folks on the ESP side of thing, the move I realize that there is a fundamental disconnect between what the ESPs mean when they say reputation and what the ISPs...

McCain Campaign Spamming

As I mentioned in my post on spam from the Obama campaign, there have been reports of spam coming from the McCain campaign. However, the McCain campaign does not seem to be sending the volume of mail that the Obama campaign is, and so they are not as visible. A recent post over at Denialism Blog shows that the McCain campaign has some of the same problems as the Obama campaign. Chris talks about...

Same old stuff

Al talks about the “new” email preference service run by the DMA. Except it is not actually new nor is it really used.

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