

Twitter has some opinions on #GDPR. — @rianjohnson (Yes, the director of The Last Jedi) Finds deserted island a message in a bottle washes onto the beach *opens bottle* We’ve updated our Privacy Policy — Marques Brownlee (@MKBHD) May 24, 2018 Happy #GDPR day! #gdprjokes — Luke Stevens (@lukestevens) May 24, 2018 just got a GDPR email from a company...

EFAIL PGP / S/MIME "flaw" ?

There’s going to be a lot of hype today about something the security researchers who found it are calling “EFAIL”. Interviews, commemorative T-Shirts, press tours, hype. The technical details are interesting, but the un-hyped end-user advice would probably be “If you’re using a mail client that’s got bugs in it’s MIME handling, and you’ve configured...

Dodgy PDF handling at Gmail

We sent out some W-9s this week. For non-Americans and those lucky enough not to have to deal with IRS paperwork those are tax forms. They’re simple single page forms with the company name, address and tax ID numbers on them. Because this is the 21st Century we don’t fill them in with typewriters and snail mail them out, we fill in a form online at the IRS website which gives us PDFs...

Laposte rejections

Update: The issue seems to have been resolved and Laposte say they’re no longer sending the 519 responses as of April 25th 2018. are having a bad couple of weeks. There’ve been reports from customers of their IMAP service being unusable, with attempts to move or delete messages timing out and expected emails simply not arriving. Several delivery friends have mentioned that...

GDPR and the EU and Opt-in Confirmation

There’s a lot of discussion going on about just what GDPR requires, and of who, and in which jurisdictions. German organizations in particular have been more aggressive than most about wanting to see opt-in confirmation for years and now seem to be adding “because GDPR” to their arguments. I’m still not sure how this is going to shake out, but I’m beginning to see...

A Minute of Email

Vala from Salesforce shared this infographic this morning.

(from Statista)
It estimates that in one minute on the 2017 Internet there were 25,000 tweets, 3.8 million google searches, 29 million SMS messages and 156 million emails sent.
Email is still a pretty vibrant messaging channel.

Spam isn't going away

I got a piece of B2B spam last week that showed in several different ways why spam isn’t going away any time soon. Systemic problems dealing with abuse at scale at Google. Ethics problems at Cloudflare. Problems dealing with abuse at scale at Amazon. Cultural problems in India, several times over. Buckle up. The spam content The spam email itself looks pretty much like any business email...

AOL Changes

We’ve known for a while that AOL email infrastructure is going to be merging with Yahoo’s, but apparently it’s happening sooner than anyone expected. The MXes for will be migrated to Yahoo infrastructure around February 1st. Reading between the lines I expect that this isn’t a flag day, and much of the rest of the AOL email infrastructure will be in use for a while...


When we say that you might just be sending too much email and fatiguing or annoying the recipient into unsubscribing or hitting spam, this is the sort of thing we mean. Three emails (to the same email address) in four minutes might be a bit much. If you can’t combine the content you want to send into a single personalized email, maybe spread deliveries out a bit? Or even not send all of it...

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