
The inbox is a moving target

The more I look at the industry, the more convinced I am that we’re in the middle of a fundamental shift in how email is filtered. This shift will change how we handle email deliverability and what tools we have and what information we can use as senders to address challenges to getting to the inbox. Early deliverability This period is roughly between 2001 and 2006. Many of the email...

Back to the office!

I’m back in the office after a busy June. The 2 continent, 3 city tour was unexpectedly extended to a 4th city thus I was out most of last week as well. What was I doing? We spent a week in Dublin, which is an awesome and amazing city and I love it a little bit more every time we visit. After Dublin I jetted off to Chicago, where I spoke at ActiveCampaign’s first user conference. The...

What's up with microsoft?

A c/p from an email I sent to a mailing list. I think we’re seeing a new normal, or are still on the pathway to a new normal. Here’s my theory. 1) Hotmail made a lot of underlying code changes, learning from 2 decades of spam filtering. They had a chance to write a new codebase and they took it. 2) The changes had some interesting effects that they couldn’t test for and didn’t expect. They spent...

June is travel month!

A quick post to say that posting will be light the next few weeks. I’m off later this week to visit Dublin. After I get back from that I’m headed to Chicago to speak at ACTIVATE hosted by Active Campaign. If you register by tomorrow you can use the code ACTIVATE and get in for $200. It’s looking like a good conference. I’ll be speaking about deliverability, specifically...

Whitelisting is dead

A decade or so ago I was offering whitelisting services to clients. It was pretty simple. I’d collect a bunch of information and do an audit on the customer’s sending. They’d get a report back identifying any issues that would limit their chances at acceptance. Then I’d go and fill in the forms on behalf of the client. Simple enough work, and it made clients feel better...

Another day another dead blacklist

FADE IN EMAILGEEKS.SLACK.COM #email-deliverability It is morning in the channel. The regular crowd is around discussing the usual. JK, smart, competent head of deliverability at an ESP asks: Anyone familiar with SECTOOR EXITNODES listings and have insight into what’s going on if listed? ME: Uh, that’s the Tor Exit Nodes list. They think your IP is used by Tor. That’s all sorts...

Botnet activity warning

A bit of advice from the folks at the CBL, posted with permission and some light editing. I’ve been seeing some folks report longer connection times at some places, and this might explain some of it. It’s certainly possible, even likely, that the large ISPs are getting a lot of this kind of traffic. A botnet, likely a variant of cutwail, has been for the past several years been...

SpamCannibal is dead

The SpamCannibal blacklist – one that didn’t affect your email too much but which would panic users who found it on one of the “check all the blacklists!” websites – has gone away. It was silently abandoned by the operator at some point in the past year and the domain registration has finally expired. It’s been picked up by domain squatters who, as usual, put a...

UCEProtect and GDPR fallout

First thing this morning I got an email from a client that they were listed on the UCEProtect Level 3 blacklist. Mid-morning I got a message from a different client telling me the same thing. Both clients shared their bounce messages with me: 550  Conexion rechazada por estar[]:56628 en la DNSBL (ver Your ISP LATINET –...


Twitter has some opinions on #GDPR. — @rianjohnson (Yes, the director of The Last Jedi) Finds deserted island a message in a bottle washes onto the beach *opens bottle* We’ve updated our Privacy Policy — Marques Brownlee (@MKBHD) May 24, 2018 Happy #GDPR day! #gdprjokes — Luke Stevens (@lukestevens) May 24, 2018 just got a GDPR email from a company...

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