Spamcop is shutting down it’s email service. While anyone could report spam using Spamcop, the system also provided users email addresses behind the Spamcop filters. This shut down should have no major impact on senders. Email addresses in use will still be accepting email, but that mail will simply be forwarded to another address, instead of users being able to access it through POP or...
What about the bots?
M3AAWG published a letter to the FCC addressing the implementation of CSRIC III Cybersecurity Best Practices (pdf link) The takeaway is that of the ISPs that contribute data to M3AAWG (37M+ users), over 99% of infected users receive notification that they are infected. I hear from senders occasionally that they are not the problem, bots are the problem and why isn’t anyone addressing bots...
B2B email filtering
I’ve written about B2B filtering in the past, but I don’t blog too much about corporate filtering overall. The reason for this is that the corporate landscape is a lot broader and less consistent than the consumer space. That makes it much more difficult to tell senders how to handle corporate filtering, because each corporation is different. But as I think I about it, I realize...
Reminder: AMA webinar
Today is the last day to sign up for the AMA webinar hosted by MessageSystems and listen to me talk about the future of deliverability.
I hope to see you there!
Dealing with compromised user accounts
M3AAWG is on a roll lately with published documents. They recently released the Compromised User ID Best Practices (pdf link).
Content based filtering
Content filtering is often hard to explain to people, and I’m not sure I’ve yet come up with a good way to explain it. A lot of people think content reputation is about specific words in the message. The traditional content explanation is that words like “Free” or too many exclamation points in the subject line are bad and will be filtered. But it’s not the words...
IP Reputation
A throwback post from a few years ago on IP reputation. Why IP addresses? ISPs built reputation around IP addresses because it was one bit of data that malicious senders / spammers couldn’t forge. The connecting IP is a fundamental part of the network transaction and if you forge an IP then SMTP can’t work. Because that was the reliable data they had to work with, that’s what they used. Even now...
Who didn't invent email?
Who didn’t invent email? Shiva Ayyadurai. He’s not the only one – I didn’t invent email either, nor did Abraham Lincoln, Boadicea or Tim Berners-Lee. So why mention Shiva? He claims that in 1978 when he was 14, he took some courses in programming. His mum worked for the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, and one of her colleagues challenged him to write an...
Changing your email address
Over at Mediapost, Loren McDonald talks about how hard it’s been to change his email address when his employer got bought out.