
Spammers make me laugh…

When they can’t work their spam ware.

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{*generator Msftedit;}viewkind4uc1pardsa200sl276slmult1lang9f0fs22 Dear Sir,par
My clients wants to invest huge cash .Please do reply if interested no dime needed from you.par
john Gagapar

Too much email on the brain

Last night I was cruising through our local news website. I see the headline New SPF guidelines coming our way. My first thought was, “Wow, SPF made the paper?” Now, I live in the SF Bay area so there are a lot of technology related stories that hit our paper which might not see the light of day in other areas. But, still: new SPF guidelines hit the local paper before I’ve heard...

Silly Saturday Spam

I couldn’t resist posting the newest Nigerian 419 showing up in my mailbox. Attn: Sir/Ma We are writhing to know if it’s true that you are DEAD? Because we received a notification from one MR. GERSHON SHAPIRO of USA stating that you are DEAD and that you have giving him the right to claim your funds. He stated you died on a CAR accident. He has been calling us regarding this issue...

Email in 2030

As predicted by Mark Brownlow. My favorite? You can still buy 1 million email addresses for $99. It’s still a bad idea.

Silly spam subject line of the day

It’s Friday, it’s been a long week and while I have things to say I’m looking for some entertainment. What are your favorite spam subject lines? Here are some of mine: “Having rock-like winky is easy”(OK, I admit, sometimes I’m 12 and “winky” makes me laugh) “-Enlarge-your ~Penis up to 3 per month!” (Up to three what per month? And every...

I hate spam

But sometimes it makes me laugh. Yesterday I got a 419 that said, “[…]have been diagonalized with HIV/AIDS which has defiled all forms of medical treatment[…]” Diagonalized? Defiled all forms of treatment?
At least it was entertaining, right?

Gmail Evolution

All the cool kids are doing infographics, so here’s our take on the new Gmail Priority Inbox.

Limited email at gmail

Mike Monteiro has a screenshot of what happens when you actually fill up a gmail inbox.
How much of that mail is spam, I wonder?
HT: Laughing Squid

Is social media a laughing matter?

I really love my job, but sometimes I miss academia, research and science. One of the ways I stay somewhat connected to that world is reading Scienceblogs (and the new Scientopia site). A few weeks ago my worlds collided when one of the librarians at Scienceblogs posted a Friday funny: 5 signs you’re talking to a social media douchebag. Nobody Knows What They Actually Do. When you try to...

10 ways spam is like Vuvuzelas

Amir Lev has a great post today detailing the 10 ways that spam is like Vuvuzelas. After reading his reasons (and deleting over 1000 messages from Cutwail), I absolutely agree. 10. It’s continuous and unavoidable The vuvuzela emits a loud, irritating, continuous noise that’s impossible to avoid — ruining many people’s World Cup experience. Spam is eyecatching, irritating...

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