
Internationalisation (part 1)

There’s been a gentle bit of uproar recently about ICANN finally beginning the process of rolling out support for internationalized domain names (IDN) at the DNS root and the effect that may have on email senders. Even if you haven’t noticed the uproar, it’s still a subject you probably want to be familiar with if you’re sending email. What are internationalised domain...

I need IP addresses to avoid throttling

Number three of seven in our occasional series on why ESPs need, or don’t need, lots of IP addresses to send mail properly. I need many IP addresses so that I can work around ISP throttling limits Why this is right: There are ISPs that limit the number of emails that can be sent from a particular IP address in a given time period to quite a low level, as low as 1000 emails per hour per IP address...

Privacy policies in the real world

This weekend we took the car in for service. Instead of dropping it off at the dealership, we found a small, local garage. Prominently positioned on the counter was their Email Privacy Policy. The full text of the notice. WEBSITE INFORMATION: When you visit the website you are providing information about your visit to Kihon Media. We know which pages you visited, what is...

Non marketing uses of email

Box of Meat tweeted earlier today: tired of marketers calling their conferences and cliques “email whatever” as if marketing is the only thing email is for This is something that a lot of marketers forget as they’re head down in delivery and marketing and click throughs and opens and sales. Most people use email for a lot more than commerce. I think sometimes this gets forgotten by...

I need IP addresses to handle the volume

Number two of seven in our occasional series on why ESPs need, or don’t need, lots of IP addresses to send mail properly. I need lots of IP addresses so my MTAs can handle the volume of mail sent Why this is right One IP address per outbound smarthost is a sensible minimum. It is possible to set up multiple smarthosts behind a single IP address using a proxy server or reverse load balancer, and...

Senders need to take responsibility

Having just returned home from another conference, my head is full of new ideas, new thoughts and new projects. I enjoy seeing old friends, making new contacts and sharing ideas. One thing I don’t enjoy, though, is listening to senders and marketers complaining about how hard it is to be a sender because the ISPs will not tell them what standards they need to meet. If the ISPs would just tell us...

The legitimate email marketer

I cannot tell you how many times over the last 10 years I’ve been talking to someone with a problem and had them tell me “but I’m a legitimate email marketer.” Most of them have at least one serious problem, from upstreams that are ready to terminate them for spamming through widespread blocking. In fact, the practices of most companies who proclaim “we’re...

I need IP addresses for reputation

Number one of seven in our occasional series on why ESPs need, or don’t need, lots of IP addresses to send mail properly. I need at least one IP address per customer, to handle IP based reputation Why this is right While DKIM is gradually moving the main key for reputation tracking to a domain based token, right now the main key that is used to track reputation is the sending IP address. If...

Canadian Law

A anti-spam bill was passed out of committee Monday in Canada. Other than chatting over drinks with a large contingent of Canadians, I haven’t followed the story too closely. However, Matt V. has a detailed summary of the bill at EmailKarma.
Have a great weekend.

A blast from the past

I’m sitting here watching Iron Chef (the real one, not the American version) and surfing around on It’s a slow night catching up on all the news I’ve missed this week while off traveling. I see a link on the front page: “Web marketer ordered to pay Facebook $711M.” As I click I wonder if I know the web marketer in question. A former client? A name I...

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