
Changing the email client

We’re in the thick of hiring and next week is Thanksgiving, so blogging is going to be very light for the next two weeks. One thing I have noticed is that lately there are attempts to “change how people interact with email.” Google released their Inbox product. And today I saw a post about an IBM attempt to change email and how people use it as a tool. I find as I juggle more...

Cloud sending with Momentum from MessageSystems

Earlier this week MessageSystems announced a new cloud platform, SparkPost, letting smaller companies have access to the power of the MessageSystems’s Momentum platform. MessageSystems announced this at their user conference in San Diego. There was a lot of great information from ISPs and Momentum customers presented at the conference. If you get a chance check out the conference tweet...

STARTTLS and misplaced outrage

About a month ago someone posted a heavily elided screenshot that they claimed was evidence of their ISP, AT&T, sabotaging SMTP connections being sent over their network, meaning that anyone could sniff their passwords and traffic. This is it:     Most email people looking at that saw the asterisks in the banner and went “Oh. That’s not the ISP tampering with the...

Email problems are costly

Last week Zulily released their quarterly earnings. Their earnings’ report was disappointing, resulting in a drop in their stock prices. The chairman of the company told reporters on a conference call that part of the reason for the drop in earnings were due to deliverability problems “at a large ISP.” Zulily ran into problems with a large email provider — issues which resulted...

October 2014 – The Month in Email

October was action-packed at WttW. We wrapped up some big and interesting client projects (look for some case studies soon!), attended another great M³AAWG conference, and made an exciting announcement that we’re hiring a deliverability specialist. The combination of these frees up some more of my time for blogging, which I’ve really missed. Look for more from me in November and December. In...

The best time to send email

This subject comes up over and over again. Many senders are convinced that there is a best time to send email. Countless research hours have been dedicated to finding that best time to send email. Numerous blog posts discuss what the best time to send email is. From my perspective, there are better places for senders to spend time than figuring out what the exact right time is.But, senders still...

Superstition, correlation and reality

I’m not a huge baseball fan, probably a side effect of growing up in a city with no MLB team. But I do enjoy the social aspects of rooting for local teams when they’re winning big games. Last night I was following the World Series score online and switched over to watch the last inning. I posted something about the game on FB just about 30 seconds before the Giant’s outfield...

Disposable addresses

Both Steve and I have blogged about how we use tagged addresses to monitor and manage our incoming mail. This is not something unique to our system, but rather a feature that’s existed in many mail systems for a long time. Many unix systems support tagged addresses out of the box, but there are also commercial MTAs and even some webmail services that support tags. Gmail offers “+...

Spam, Phish or Malware?

Some mornings I check mail from my phone. This showed up this morning. My first thought was “oh, no, Pizza Hut is spamming, wonder who sold them my address.” Then I remembered that iOS is horrible and won’t show you anything other than the Friendly From and maybe it was some weird phishing scheme. When I got to my real mail client I checked headers, and sure enough, it...

Three things marketers should do when domains are retired

A few weeks ago I was alerted to a domain change for INGDirect. The domain is being retired and all users are migrating to the domain. As part of this change usernames are NOT being transferred, so if you have addresses on any B2B mailing list, you will need to drop those addresses and find the new contact information for the subscriber. What should...

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