
Google Apps for ISPs is gone

Google Apps for ISPs is being shut down. While this was a scheduled end of life, apparently some users weren’t notified (always keep the contact email address up to date at your vendor!) and other users were told that it would be discontinued in July and were surprised when their service was turned off a month earlier than they expected. I’ve not seen any reports of mail bouncing due...

iCloud Postmaster resources

iCloud Mail (,, has a shiny, new postmaster resources page. No whitelist, no FBL, just a good list of best practices to follow for sending bulk mail.

Political Fraud & Spam

The Conservative Party is one of the largest political parties in the UK. They’re center-right politically (by European standards), nationalist and pro-business. You’ll often see them called the Tory party or Tories – a pejorative nickname they acquired 350 years ago. While they’re part of the ruling coalition today, there’s a general election coming up in the next...

Authentication and Repudiation

Email Authentication lets you demonstrate that you sent a particular email. Email Repudiation is a claim that you didn’t send a particular email.   SPF is only for email authentication1 DKIM is only for email authentication DMARC is only for email repudiation   1 SPF was originally intended to provide repudiation, but it didn’t work reliably enough to be useful. Nobody uses...

Yahoo FBL Down

We’re seeing multiple reports that the Yahoo feedback loop stopped working some time in the past couple of days. If you’re not seeing reports, it’s not just you.

Thirty years ago this Sunday, was registered – the first .com domain. It was followed, within a few months, by,, and Symbolics made lisp machines – is now owned by a domain speculator. BBN is a technology R&D company who’ve worked on everything. If I had to pick one thing they were involved with it’d be the...

'Tis the season

It’s the time of the year, when we celebrate a holiday by telling you about email.

Mailbox preview and HTML content

I just received a slightly confusing email.     The From address and the Subject line are from Sony, but the content looks like it’s from email analytics firm Litmus. What’s going on here? Opening the mail it looks like a fairly generic “Oops, we lost a class-action lawsuit, have $2 worth of worthless internet points!” email from Sony; no mention of Litmus at all...

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