
Quick blog housekeeping

I’ve been getting a lot of comments on posts 2 and 3 years old. Most of them aren’t very valuable comments, so I decided to shut down commenting on any threads older than 2 months.

I am, after all, a geek

Not email, but science is so cool.

Living in the future: watching 2 different live streams – one on a laptop, one on a laptop streaming over the TV, while tweeting and face booking on another device and chatting in IRC.

Email without filters

… or Find the False Positive. Anyone sending a lot of email has complained about spam filters and false positives at some point. But most people haven’t run a mailbox with no spam filters in front of it in recent years, so don’t have much of a feel for what an unfiltered mailbox looks like, how important filters are and how difficult their job is. I run no transaction level...

Happy Thanksgiving

I’m still catching up from being out last week, so no blog post today. I do, however, have tart to share. Mostly. Sorta. We ate it all.


After 9 years of running Word to the Wise, we’re taking a vacation. A really-o, truly-o vacation that doesn’t involve stealing a couple days before a conference or business meeting or visiting family. Also no internet and no email. I’m not even taking my laptop (I am taking my iPad, but it’s an awesome game machine). I’ll be back to posting when I get back into the...

New Blog Design

After a little more than two years and 500 posts we thought it was time for a redesign of the Word to the Wise blog. While we were cleaning up the design we also fixed some functionality that was broken and added some new features: Everything should render cleanly in most any browser Search works! The archives, over on the right hand side, are a lot easier to navigate If you visit the blog from...

Problems with Barracuda blocklist

Mickey documents a problem he encountered with the Barracuda blocklist and relisting happening after a delisting even when there was no mail being sent through the IP in question. I’ve not had much interaction with Barracuda or their blocklist so I don’t have many suggestions. If you have useful information, head over there and comment.

Traveling again!

I’m headed off early tomorrow morning to help celebrate a friend’s wedding (Hi Al!). I’ll be back at work on Tuesday and blogging will be back on schedule.

Finding relevancy

I frequently talk about sending relevant emails. Today Ken Magill reviewed the new book Successful E-mail Marketing Strategies, from Hunting to Farming by Arthur Middleton Hughes and Arthur Sweetser. In Ken’s words: “Successful Marketing Strategies” doesn’t just tell readers they should send relevant e-mail. It explains how to achieve relevance and measure it. It explains old-school...

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