Word to the Wise

We make email better.


We make email better.

Word to the Wise helps email marketers create more effective email messages, programs and infrastructures. We advise you how to skillfully navigate the constant business, technology, and policy challenges so your messages reach your customers.

We can help you with your email strategy, deliverability challenges and many other email issues.

Latest stories

Domains and Reputation


(Copied and lightly edited from a Facebook post) It occurred to me as I was commenting elsewhere that there is a lot of confusion about domains / subdomains and where they’re used in emails.I get confused when people talk about ‘domain reputation’ because I have at least 4 distinct places where domains show up in an email that heavily influence delivery. But a lot of other folks...

Step by Step guide to fixing Gmail delivery


I regularly see folks asking how to fix their Gmail delivery. This is a perennial question (see my 2019 post and the discussions from various industry experts in the comments). Since that discussion I haven’t seen as much complaining about problems. There are steps that work to get delivery fixed at Gmail. Verify that your mail is actually going to bulk. I had one client that had a bad /...

Current events and filters


That was a longer than intended hiatus from blogging. I’ll be honest, though, talking about email just seemed so trivial in the face of what was and is continuing to happen. I posted this over on slack, earlier, and Steve pointed out I should make it public on the blog. It’s as good a way as any to come back to the blog. With everything going on in the US, people are applying the...

#ltdelivery: Maintaining reputation


At tomorrow’s #ltdelivery session we’ll continue talking about session: Maintaining and warming up reputations.

Invitations are going out end of the day (Dublin) today. Want to join dozens of your colleagues talking about Reputation? Sign up on our #ltdelivery page.

The care and feeding of reputation


The next #letstalkdelivery session is Wednesday September 16 at 5pm. Invites went out today so if you signed up for our mailing list, you have the invite in your inbox. OK, if you’re on gmail it went to the promotions tab, but that’s OK, I’m promoting our call. Check out our schedule and sign up for our mailing list so you don’t miss the next session at our...

Lets Talk Delivery


Hope everyone had a good break. The Let’s Talk Delivery sessions are restarting. I’ve set up a schedule and a page where you can subscribe to invites. Our next session is September 16th and we’re talking Reputation: Warmup, developing and nurturing. We talked a little last week about identity and you can follow along with the notes. A couple things have changed about how...

Let’s Talk: August vacation


These talks have been wildly successful and I am so excite to talk with all of you and discuss topics of deliverability. When I started them I thought there was some desire for peers to discuss delivery with one another. As they’ve evolved I realize they were not just open discussions but more formal training sessions. This is requiring more prep and structure now and I’m finding myself not quite...

Let’s Talk: Reputation


The next 3 or 4 Let’s Talk sessions are going to be all about reputation. We’ll start with a general overview of reputation and identity, then move on to specific kinds of reputation (IP, domain, URL, content), then we’ll talk about how to create, maintain and repair reputation. Still working on the outline, but I’m pretty convinced this will be at least 3 sessions...

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