
Deliverability, email and lessons learned from Insight2015

Deliverability is a challenge, I think everyone who has ever tried to send bulk mail will acknowledge that. There are a lot of reasons for this. One of the big reasons is that there are bad players who spend a lot of time trying to get around filters. And a lot of these people are sending very bad mail. Phishing. Spear Phishing. Viruses. Malware. Email is a prime vector for a lot of criminals. A...

Deliverability at Yahoo

We have multiple measures of deliverability. Ones that we don’t even let in the door, and then we have ones that customers indicated that they don’t want to be delivered.
 – Jeff Bonforte, Senior VP Communications, Yahoo Mail
Read a little more about Yahoo and spam over at Tech Insider, or listen to the podcast at

Insight 2015 and upcoming talks

In about an hour I will be heading down to Monterey to give a talk at the MessageSystems Insight 2015 conference. I really wanted to go to the whole conference, as I’ve heard great things about previous ones. It just didn’t work with my schedule. I’ll be around this afternoon and tomorrow morning, though. So if you’re there, do drop by and say Hi! If you’re not at...

Truths and Myths about email deliverability

Ken Magill will be interviewing me on the Truths and Myths of Email Deliverability, November 12 at the 2015 All About eMail Virtual Conference & Expo. Ken has a bunch of questions he wants to ask me, but he’s also expecting to take a lot of questions from the audience as well. Speaking of myths, there has been discussion lately about recycled spamtraps. Apparently, there are people who...

Finally! Spam has a purpose

Author Julie Czerneda posted about some of her writing techniques on Jim C. Hines’ blog today. Julie is one of my favorite authors. She’s a biologist so her science writing flows well for me. Too many folks try to write biology and get little nitpicky details wrong and it can disrupt the whole book for me. I spend way too much time thinking about the actual biology and lose track of...

Weird Lashback listings

I’m seeing some reports from various ESP folks that they’re experiencing an increase in Lashback listings the last day or so. They have contacted and are working with Lashback to identify what might be going on, if anything.
I’ll update once I know more and have permission to share.

Brian Krebs answers questions

Brian Krebs did an AMA on Reddit today answering a bunch of questions people had for him. I suggest taking a browse through his answers. A few quotes stood out for me. Q: Why do you think organizations seem to prefer “learning these lessons the hard way”? It doesn’t seem to be an information gap, as most IT executives say security is important and most individual contributors...

Trawling through the junk folder

As a break from writing unit tests this morning I took a few minutes to go through my junk folder, looking for false positives for mail delivered over the past six weeks. We don’t do any connection level rejection here, so any mail sent to me gets delivered somewhere. Anything that looks like malware gets dumped in one folder and never read, anything that scores a ridiculously high...

88 Miles per hour!

A lot of advertisers are really getting into this whole Back to the Future Day thing. A number of companies are compiling emails related to the phenomenon.
What other ads have folks seen referencing Marty and his trip back?

DMARC News – Gmail p=reject and ARC announced this morning that Gmail will be moving to publishing a p=reject DMARC record in June of next year, much the same as Yahoo and AOL have. Unlike Yahoo and AOL, Gmail are giving those who will be affected plenty of time to prepare for any issues, and have waited until there are some potential ways to mitigate problems in the development pipeline. The ARC proposal, mentioned in...

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